Examples of websites
Here are a few examples of showcase and e-commerce websites we've created for our customers.
Examples of showcase websites
Discover the different showcase websites created for our customers to present their business.
See examplesExamples of e-commerce sites
Discover the different e-commerce sites created for our customers to sell their products online.
See examplesExamples of drone projects
Here are just a few examples of drone aerial photography projects we've carried out for our customers.
Example of drone videos
Example of drone photography
Examples of video projects
Here are just a few examples of the video projects we've produced for our customers.
Fly Provence - Vidéo corporate
Tournage en drone, au sol et embarqué puis montage d’une vidéo de présentation de l’école de pilotage FLY PROVENCE.
Stelliant - Event video
Capture of the Stelliant Expertise evening (Salle Wagram - Paris) and editing of the aftermovie.
Kalyzée - Video presentation
Shooting, directing and editing of a video showcasing the products of this Marseille-based startup and presented at CES in Las Vegas 2021.
Inquest - Reveal nouvelle identité
Réalisation d’une vidéo en motion design afin de présenter d’une façon originale et créative la nouvelle identité de l’entreprise.
Seb Rénove des Sols x Paul Napoléone
Réalisation d’une vidéo avec tournage au sol, en mer et dans les airs pour mettre en valeur le partenariat de sponsoring sportif.
Daher Aerospace - Educational video
Production of an educational video for new forklift truck operators joining Daher.
Revalvert - Recovering green waste
Production of a short video to present Revalvert's services and recycling depot.
Passion4Speed - Formula 1
Production of a promotional video for this company specializing in circuit driving courses.
Michelin - Passion Day
Production of a video for a Michelin event in Seville.
MeetYourSchool - B2C presentation video
Production of a promotional video for private customers.
MeetYourSchool - B2B presentation video
Production of a promotional video for professionals.
Skiliz - The concept
Production of a Motion Design presenting the Skiliz concept.
Stelliant - Konbini video
Shooting and editing of a "Konbini"-style video to present the role of the Stelliant Group's Delegation division, in a light, offbeat tone.
Stelliant Expertise - Motion design video
Production of an educational motion design video.
Fauché - HR Video
Production of an FPV drone video for HR purposes to present the Group's business lines and the agency's premises.
Indoor drone video - Republic Fitness
Production of an indoor FPV drone video to showcase this gym's equipment and facilities.
Fast'n Classic Garage - Presentation
Production of a video presenting the Fast'n Classic garage, combining ground images, stabilized drone and FPV drone.
Instire - TV Spot
Production of a 15s commercial broadcast on BFM Marseille Provence for INSTIRE.
Examples of graphic design projects
Here are just a few examples of the graphic design projects we've carried out for our customers.
Statim Advisory - Logo
Statim Advisory is a business consulting firm. The company entrusted us with the design of its logo, with the aim of creating a soft, serious identity that inspires confidence.
Françoise Capra - Logo & Flyers
Communications coach Françoise Capra entrusted us with the design of her logo, flyers and business cards.
Marjorie Garcia - Logo
Logo design for Marjorie Garcia, Wedding Planner in Provence. We also designed her website, which you can discover here.
Shine RH - Logo
Logo design for Shine RH, a consulting and training company specializing in recruitment and employer branding. We also designed their website, which you can discover here.
EHPAD Les Pins - Logo
Creation of the logo for the residence Les Pins, a retirement home located in Charleval. We also designed its website, which you can discover here.
In the media
Find out more about Epifyt in the media and press below.
Envoyé Spécial - France 2
Broadcast of the drone images we shot for the Cévennes National Park in the "Weather in the fog" report.
1 p.m. news - France 2
Broadcast of the drone footage we shot for the Cévennes National Park in the report "Cévennes: les spectaculaires gorges de la Jonte".
Report - M6
Broadcast of the drone footage we shot for the Cévennes National Park in the report "Le chemin de Stevenson, une randonnée au sommet des Cévennes".