epifyt engages environnement min

Epifyt's commitment to the planet

We don't always know it, but digital technology has a major impact on our environment. With the problems of global warming and the disappearance of biodiversity, it's high time we took action.
Through the various projects we carry out, we have also decided to do our bit, however small, by limiting and offsetting the impact of our activities on the environment.

Digital in figures

The Internet, our smartphones, our computers... consume more and more energy to meet our needs for connectivity, accessibility, data storage capacity...

Today, digital technology consumes 10% of the world's electricity - more than Russia's annual electricity consumption, or even more than India's 1.3 billion people and Japan's 127 million combined!

In 1 hour on the planet, we exchange 8 to 10 billion emails and carry out almost 180 million Google searches. These figures are staggering when you consider that digital data (email, web requests, etc.) travels an average of 15,000 km across the network. A network made up, among other things, of millions of servers running 24/7, housed in huge datacenters that consume between 40% and 55% of energy to cool.

It's a real wake-up call for us, and a desire to raise awareness among as many people as possible. Here are the commitments we are making to Epifyt.

Our commitment to the environment

To compensate for our activities (emailing, web development, Google queries, etc.) we have taken several measures and implemented various actions.

Member 1% for the Planet

In 2022, we joined the 1% for the Planet collective.

We are committed to donating 1% of our annual sales to approved environmental protection associations.

Other donations and investments

Regularly and according to the projects entrusted to us by our customers, we invest in ethical projects in favor of sustainable development through donations.

For example:

  • Participate in participatory financing campaigns for impact projects
  • Participate in reforestation by sponsoring or planting trees in regions most affected by deforestation
  • Help rehabilitate coral reefs
  • Helpset up beehives 
  • Financing recycling or cleaning projects...

Projects and commitments that you can discover and follow on our Zei profile or on our Reforest'action profile, where you can see the extent of "our forest" following the planting of trees.

Green hosting & Web eco-design

We are committed to creating websites for our customers that consume as little energy as possible (by optimizing caching and loading speed, limiting server requests, etc.).

As we mentioned in a previous blog post, we recommend that our customers host their site with Infomaniak, an eco-friendly hosting company which uses 100% renewable energy to power its datacenters and respects an exemplary ecological charter.

Other actions

We are also committed to :

  • Make our electronic equipment last as long as possible or replace it with reconditioned equipment if necessary
  • Limit our energy consumption by switching off unused appliances and setting them to "energy-saving" mode.
  • Limit document printing
  • Recycling what can be recycled
  • Limit the number of emails sent and the size of attachments
  • Regularly clean up our mailboxes (deleting spam, trash, etc., which consume unnecessary storage space on the servers).

We also urge you to do the same, and to spread the word! For your information, you can find regular reports on these actions on our social networks!

"We don't inherit the land from our parents, we borrow it from our children." 

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry